Bokeh: A Little Book of Flowers, 2020

Midnight Paper Sales, Wisconsin, USA

8 multicoloured wood engravings by Gaylord Schanilec with poems handset in Polipholis, Bembo and Blado types. Bound at Booklab 2 by Marc Hammond, Keri Schroeder and Craig Jensen.The third book in a trilogy documenting one man’s struggle with the reality of getting old. After a quarter of a century living in the rural Midwest he moves to the city where he observes the isolation of urban life and the tenacious existence of the plants, birds and animals living there – a roster of beings that includes himself. Winner of the FPBA Collector’s Prize at the 2020 Manhattan Fine Press Book Fair.

Edition 119, 140 x 210mm.

£575 (plus P&P and insurance)

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