American Crow, 2021

Midnight Paper Sales, Wisconsin, USA

Report from Quarantine

Text and illustrations together provide what Gaylord Schanilec describes as ‘what began as a simple rumination on death evolved into a volume of illustrated concept journalism’. Here is a reflection and response by the artist to his state and that of the US nation during the Covid Pandemic of 2020. 

7 loose sections contained in a black chitsu case made by Matthew Lawler Zimmerman at Studio Alcyon. Printed on French folded gampi papers, with text typeset in various typefaces. 3 multi-colored wood engravings and various other elements engraved, or cut in wood by Gaylord Schanilec. 

240 x 313 mm. Edition of 88. Signed, numbered and dated by Schanilec 62/88. 3/22

£2,250 (plus P&P and insurance)

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